Manbazar Govt. ITI

  • Trade Type: Engineering

    Trades Duration: Two Year

    Trade Sector: Capital Goods & Manufacturing

    Minimum Qualification Eligibility:10th pass

    ITI trade Fitter is powered by NCVT.  ITI trade Fitter  is a job oriented trade ITI trade Fitter is suitable for government job and private job. This ITI trade Fitter is very powerful for self-empowerment. This ITI trade Fitter is perfectly design to fulfill industrial requirement of Indian Industries as well as International industries.

    Fitters have a wide scope of Employability ranging from self-employment, contractual employment to Industrial jobs. On successful completion of this course, the candidates shall be gainfully employed in the following industries:

    • Production & Manufacturing industries.
    • Structural Fabrication like bridges, Roof structures, Building & construction. 
    • Automobile and allied industries
    • Service industries like road transportation and Railways.
    • Ship building and repair
    • Infrastructure and defence organizations
    • In public sector industries like BHEL, BEML, NTPC, etc and private industries in India & abroad.
    • Self employment

Trades Summery: 

Fitter is a Mechanical trade in which you can learn about all items related to metal, Machining of a job(Piece of metal) and also get knowledge about measurement and cutting tools – equipment.

After compilation of fitter course you can get job as a technician or machine operator in product manufacturing industries and also in MNC companies. In industries there are wide range of requirement for fitter passout students.

If you are looking for further studies than you can get admission in direct third semester of diploma mechanical branch.

If you are not 12th passout than you can get 12th passed certificate after passing 12th language subject.

(i) Plan and organize the work to make job as per specification applying different types of basic fitting operation and Check for dimensional accuracy. [Basic fitting operation – marking, Hacksawing, Chiseling, Filing, Drilling, Taping and Grinding etc.

(ii) Manufacture simple sheet metal items as per drawing and join them by soldering, brazing and riveting.

(iii) Join metal component by arc welding observing standard procedure.

(iv) Cut and join metal component by gas (oxy-acetylene

(v) Join metal components by riveting observing standard procedure.

(vi) Produce components by different operations and check accuracy using appropriate measuring instruments.[Different Operations – Drilling, Reaming, Taping, Dieing; Appropriate Measuring Instrument – Vernier, Screw Gauge, Micrometer]

(vii) Make different fit of components for assembling as per required tolerance observing principle of interchangeability and check for functionality. [Different Fit – Sliding, Angular, Step fit, ‘T’ fit, Square fit and Profile fit; Required tolerance: ±0

(viii) Produce components involving different operations on lathe observing standard procedure and check for accuracy. [Different Operations – facing, plain turning, step turning, parting, chamfering, shoulder turn, grooving, knurling, boring, taper turni

(ix) Plan & perform simple repair, overhauling of different machines and check for functionality. [Different Machines – Drill Machine, Power Saw, Bench Grinder and

(x) Make & assemble components of different mating surfaces as per required tolerance by different surface finishing operations using different fastening components, tools and check functionality. [ Different Mating Surfaces – Dovetail fitting, Radi

(xi) Make different gauges by using standard tools & equipment and checks for specified accuracy. [Different Gauges – Snap gauge, Gap gauge; Specified Accuracy – ±0.02mm

(xii) Apply a range of skills to execute pipe joints, dismantle and assemble valves & fittings with pipes and test for leakages.[Range of skills – Cutting, Threading, Flaring, Bending and Joining ]

(xiii) Make drill jig & produce components on drill machine by using jigs and check for correctness.

(xiv) Identify, dismantle, replace and assemble different pneumatics and hydraulics components. [Different components – Compressor, Pressure Gauge, Filter Regulator Lubricator, Valves and Actuators.]

(xv) Construct circuit of pneumatics and hydraulics observing standard operating procedure& safety aspect.

(xvi) Plan, dismantle, repair and assemble different damaged mechanical components used for power transmission & check functionality. [Different Damage Mechanical Components – Pulley, Gear, Keys, Jibs and Shafts.]

(xvii) Plan, erect simple machine and test machine tool accuracy. [Simple Machines – Drill Machine, Power Saw and Lathe]

(xviii) Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment regulation and housekeeping

(xix) Understand and explain different mathematical calculation & science in the field of study including basic electrical. [Different mathematical calculation & science -Work, Power & Energy, Algebra, Geometry & Mensuration, Trigonometry, Heat &Temperat

(xx) Interpret specifications, different engineering drawing and apply for different application in the field of work. [Different engineering drawing-Geometrical construction, Dimensioning, Layout, Method of representation, Symbol, scales, Different Proje

(xxi) Select and ascertain measuring instrument and measure dimension of components and record data.

(xxii) Explain the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare legislation and apply such in day to day work to improve productivity & quality.

(xxiii) Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day to day work by optimally using available resources.

(xxiv) Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day to day work for personal & societal growth

(xxv) Plan and organize the work related to the occupation